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How Your Social Media Posts Can Negatively Impact Your Insurance Claims

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Social media allows us to connect to others with similar interests, learn about current events, and enable family members around the globe to stay up to date on your goings-on. But while there is a lot of good that social media can do, it can also prove harmful in a number of ways. One such way: the ability for insurance companies to monitor what you do. In fact, more and more frequently, insurance companies and law enforcement officials are checking in on claimants through social media.

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Be Careful What You Post

Insurance companies are in the business of making money. That means that they are also in the business of rejecting claims. With social media comes another avenue for insurers to find out information about you. One of the very first things that an insurance adjuster will do is a Google search on the claimant in order to look at all of your social media profiles. Doing so can help them to identify insurance fraud, but insurers may also leverage your social media to gain more information about you and use it to their advantage.

For example, if your claim is for a severe back injury, but you post a picture of yourself at a rock climbing gym, the insurer may try to use it in order to combat what you have said.  It doesn’t matter if you were only there to watch a friend climb, or if you sat for the entire time other than the picture. Whatever you post can easily be used against you. This includes claims for both personal injuries and damage to your property or vehicle. What you post may also be used in an effort to disprove a claim of emotional distress.

Protecting Your Privacy

It should always be presumed that anything you post online can be seen by anyone in the world, regardless of what your privacy controls are set to. It is also important to be cautious as to what content you are tagged in, including pictures of you on a friend’s profile. Be sure to turn off geo-location on all of your social media accounts so that people cannot see your exact location at the exact time that you are there.

It is extremely important that you understand that insurance companies can use your personal information against you, so that you may avoid engaging in any actions that could compromise your claim. Before answering any questions or taking action, it is always best to consult with a knowledgeable and experienced personal injury attorney.

Consult with a Qualified Personal Injury Attorney

At Gauthier Amedee, our team of experienced personal injury attorneys fights hard to protect your rights.

If you or a loved one has been injured due to the negligence or recklessness of another person, don’t delay. Contact the Gauthier Amedee today at 225-647-1700 or fill out our online form to schedule a free case evaluation.